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Welcome back, Solar Warrior!

Mark Mrohs is a true solar pioneer and lifelong dedicated educator for our industry. If you missed Part 1 of this episode, I really encourage you to press pause here, and go back and listen to part 1. I think that it would be helpful to better understand Mark’s background and trajectory.

Today, Mark and I go into a lot on his theory of learning, where he sees the world of virtual reality and whether or not we're ready for it. VR Headsets like Oculus and many other headset makers are changing the way we think about virtual reality.

I hope that you'll have some takeaways from this episode, as I did around the trade gap in many industries and how we are working towards training the next generation, all the hundreds of thousands of people we need, both in the field and in the office, to help make sure that the electricity sector is converted to clean and renewable energy.

If you love this episode, then you should check out our more than 310 additional founder stories and startup advice at www.mysuncast.com. And sign up to receive a notification when the next episodes have dropped!

Thanks a ton to our podcast sponsor, PowerHub for continuing to help make this content FREE to You! Please check them out and let me know what you think!


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Oculus Quest 2, Advanced All-In-One Virtual Reality Headset


Mentioned books

The Prophet - Kahlil Gibran

It Can't Happen Here - Sinclair Lewis

Ishmael - Daniel Quinn

The Chalice and The Blade - Riane Eisler

When God Was A Woman - Merlin Stone