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Welcome back, Solar Warrior!

Did you ever wonder how ideas like SunRun’s Brightbox Storage Program got their start?

Today’s Intrapreneur and solar OG, Paul Dailey, has had a hand in that bright idea and more in his 2+ decade career on the solarcoaster. We dig into his journey to Director of Product Strategy at Outback, the twists and turns along the way, and the carefully curated and practical steps he took to craft his role in this booming market. Committed listeners will recall that we had Paul on last week for a Tactical Tuesday on Storage Trends, so if you missed that one, I hope you’ll bookmark it for later as well.

If you love this episode, then you should check out the more than 275 additional founder stories and startup advice at www.mysuncast.com. And sign up to receive a notification when the next episodes have dropped!

Thanks a ton to our podcast sponsors, Extensible Energy and Adani Solar U.S. for continuing to help make this content FREE to You! Please check them out and let me know what you think!


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Check out the work of OutBack Power on Twitter and their website

Articles by Paul:

10 Predictions for the Solar and Storage Market in the 2020s

Three signs that battery energy storage is mainstream today

Remember that the transcript of this episode is available HERE

Books mentioned:

Who - The A Method for Hiring - Geoff Smart and Randy Street

The E-Myth - Michael E. Gerber