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Welcome back, #SolarWarriors!

If you are new to SunCast, welcome to our Tribe! I hope you’ll find this information helps you enter through the side door and bypass some of the hard-won life lessons from our hundreds of guests!

Our guests rarely get very specific about the decision matrix of forming their business, and understanding the unique space they hold that makes their version of the widget the best in the world.

Today’s entrepreneur, Dr. Nick Engerer, found his way to his current job, or rather created his current job, vis a vis academia. We dove into the mind of a brilliant thinker, biohacker and true process engineer who’s not satisfied with status quo. His company, SolCast,  provides  solar irradiance & power forecasting data to some of the largest IPPs and Utilities in the world.

How and why did he decide to dedicate that last decade of this his life to this? Why did he end up in Australia of all places to work it out? Tune-in to find out.

If you really love this stuff,, then you should check out the hundreds of additional founder stories and startup advice at www.mysuncast.com. And don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast and our Energy Tribe newsletter so you won’t miss the next one that drops!

IF you are developing Commercial solar projects, you really should consider how they can help:

Extensible Energy


Connect with Dr. Nick on LinkedIn and Twitter

Check out the work of SolCast on their website

What is Longevity? Find out here at Nick’s website

Remember that the transcript of this episode is available HERE

Books mentioned

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen R. Covey

The 48 Laws of Power - Robert Greene

Influence - Robert B. Cialdini

Exponential Organizations - Salim Ismail