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Welcome to Episode 115 of SunCast, Solar Warrior!

On Monday I had the awesome opportunity to meet Dan Whitten, VP of Communications for SEIA, and he invited me to record the opening remarks by SEIA's President Abby Hopper as she kicked off the 2018 Solar Power International and Energy Storage Int'l conference and North America Smart Energy Week.  

I was honored and grateful for the gracious offer, and so today I'm sharing part of that opening session with you here. 

If you're a member of the SunCast Tribe, you can hear the rest of the 40 minutes I recorded with the panelists in the session via your Patreon Feed


Today's episode is brought to you in collaboration with PV Magazine USA.

With its independent, technology-focused reporting, pv magazine concentrates on covering the latest solar PV news, topical technological trends, and worldwide market developments. This is an ongoing editorial cross-pollination, so If you're joining us as a new listener thanks to PV Mag, thank you for checking out SunCast.

We want to thank our amazing sponsors and partners of SunCast. You can find more about them by visiting our sponsors page.



Follow Abby on Twitter

Connect with Abby on LinkedIn

Learn more about SEIA Here

Read more about the Report Abby Hopper was mentioning here.

Follow SPI on Twitter

Learn more about Dan Whitten of SEIA here

Join the Tribe? Check out Episode 86, in which I explain how YOU can become an Energy Tribe member and support the growth and stability of SunCast moving forward! www.mysuncast.com/member to join today!

About the Host of SunCast:

Nico Johnson is the creator and host of SunCast, a regular conversation with Solar Industry professionals who are leading in emerging solar markets. The content of the show is geared towards listeners looking for insights on where the markets are headed, how to position themselves or their companies, and what today's market leaders do to stay ahead of the pack.

Nico is a 10-year veteran of the solar industry, having led development in the US and Latin America for global companies like Trina Solar and Conergy.  He served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Guatemala and is considered one of the market's leading experts on solar PV expansion in the region.

Nico can be reached on Linked In https://www.linkedin.com/in/nickalus